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After Jean Berain
(mid 1720s)

Two Guéridons
Pen and brown ink drawing with grey wash, probably French, early 18th century. Black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash, mid 1720s. This drawing is inspired by the guéridon design by Jean Berain (1638-1711) for the King’s apartment and published in an etching by Jean Dolivart in Paris on or before 1692. The guéridon on the right is a later design. Watermark: single circle with small bird. Reference: Peter Fuhring, Ornament Prints in the Rijksmuseum. II. Seventeenth Century, Rotterdam 2004, vol. 1, nr 2184. Dimensions: 10 1/2 x 7 inches; 262 x 180 mm.









R.E. Lewis & Daughter   P.O. Box 6126  San Rafael, CA 94903     Tel: (415) 472-7021  Fax: (415) 472-7043  Email: JLS@relewis.com