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Old Master Prints
19th Century Prints
20th Century Prints

Giovanni Battista Piranesi
(1720 - 1778)

VEDUTA DEL PONTE MOLLE SUL TEVERE DUE MIGLIA LONTAN DA ROMA (View of the Molle Bridge). 1762. Hind 64i (of iv). Engraving and etching, 452 x 684 mm (17 13/16 x 23") plus margins. Fine impression of plate 54 from the Vedute di Roma (Views of Rome) series. Margins slightly skinned, small skinned areas on verso; backed with Japanese tissue.







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R.E. Lewis & Daughter   P.O. Box 6126  San Rafael, CA 94903     Tel: (415) 472-7021  Fax: (415) 472-7043  Email: JLS@relewis.com