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19th Century Prints
20th Century Prints


Agostino Carracci (1557 - 1602)

SAINT JEROME IN THE WILDERNESS. ca. 1602. Bohlin 213iv. Engraving, 384 x 276 mm (15 1/8/x 10 7/8”) with 1/8” margins all around, on thick laid paper. A very good impression. In good condition except for some pale foxing.

Apparently the last print Carracci made, it was probably finished by Francesco Brizio after Carracci's death.

Preparatory drawings for this print are in collections in the Frankfurt Städelisches Institut, Windsor Castle, and the Albertina in Vienna.







R.E. Lewis & Daughter   P.O. Box 6126  San Rafael, CA 94903     Tel: (415) 472-7021  Fax: (415) 472-7043  Email: JLS@relewis.com